Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Break Day 3

It's 12:47 on Monday night (Tuesday morning?) and I really should be asleep. Mostly because my alarm is set for 7:30am. However, the wireless finally starting working again this evening, and I am soaking it all up because you never know when it's going to poop out on me again. To put in perspective how long I've been on my laptop tonight... I began with over an hour of battery life left (keep in mind the superior battery life of Macs), chatted with Andrea until I only had 15% left, grabbed my charger, and now it's almost fully recharged again. We're at 85% and I sincerely hope I have the willpower to go to SLEEP before we reach 100%. Which gives me 22 minutes....

I've caught up with everyone's blogs from the past couple days and it looks like (with the exception of Christina's heartbreaking Grandma experience) everyone is enjoying break for the most part! I went and saw Alice in Wonderland with my dear friend Hannah and her younger brother Max tonight at the Glen Theater. Movies after 6:00 are typically $5, but the guy at the box office not only let me use a gift certificate I'd found that said it expired in 2006, but it was only worth $3 (enough to cover a matinee ticket) and he told me I was "all set". Pretty sure there was a wink in there somewhere, but I could be making that up. Too bad he wasn't cuter. The movie was kinda trippy (Max enjoyed joking about Ithaca stoners ha-ha) but overall I quite enjoyed it! Alice's hair was incredibly beautiful and I (with my awesome hair aside) was jealous. After the movie we went to Dunkin Donuts to chat. I enjoyed a delicious Vanilla Chai Latte <3 style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 552px; height: 294px;" src="" border="0" alt="">

Ahh! 93%! Better just publish this. Peace out Girl Scouts
*Side note: Our cashier at Walmart today got on this really weird little stroll down memory lane about being in girl scouts when she was a kid.... probably had something to do with Dad mentioning Camp Gorton. Oh Schuyler County, you never cease to amaze me.


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