Monday, March 15, 2010


So the rainbow images were a fail. Here's the link if you wanna enjoy them properly:

95%! Night! <3

Spring Break Day 3

It's 12:47 on Monday night (Tuesday morning?) and I really should be asleep. Mostly because my alarm is set for 7:30am. However, the wireless finally starting working again this evening, and I am soaking it all up because you never know when it's going to poop out on me again. To put in perspective how long I've been on my laptop tonight... I began with over an hour of battery life left (keep in mind the superior battery life of Macs), chatted with Andrea until I only had 15% left, grabbed my charger, and now it's almost fully recharged again. We're at 85% and I sincerely hope I have the willpower to go to SLEEP before we reach 100%. Which gives me 22 minutes....

I've caught up with everyone's blogs from the past couple days and it looks like (with the exception of Christina's heartbreaking Grandma experience) everyone is enjoying break for the most part! I went and saw Alice in Wonderland with my dear friend Hannah and her younger brother Max tonight at the Glen Theater. Movies after 6:00 are typically $5, but the guy at the box office not only let me use a gift certificate I'd found that said it expired in 2006, but it was only worth $3 (enough to cover a matinee ticket) and he told me I was "all set". Pretty sure there was a wink in there somewhere, but I could be making that up. Too bad he wasn't cuter. The movie was kinda trippy (Max enjoyed joking about Ithaca stoners ha-ha) but overall I quite enjoyed it! Alice's hair was incredibly beautiful and I (with my awesome hair aside) was jealous. After the movie we went to Dunkin Donuts to chat. I enjoyed a delicious Vanilla Chai Latte <3 style="display:block; margin:0px auto 10px; text-align:center;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;width: 552px; height: 294px;" src="" border="0" alt="">

Ahh! 93%! Better just publish this. Peace out Girl Scouts
*Side note: Our cashier at Walmart today got on this really weird little stroll down memory lane about being in girl scouts when she was a kid.... probably had something to do with Dad mentioning Camp Gorton. Oh Schuyler County, you never cease to amaze me.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

55 Degrees and Sunny

You heard me right, it is 55 degrees and and sunny today in Ithaca, NY. Tomorrow will mark an entire week of sunshine!

This week... has been intense to say the least. Midterms. SUUUUUCKY.

This morning - crunch time in my pajamas with Andrea (LOVE OF MY LIFE) carrying me above her head, sprinting me through the last 3 pages of my Spiritual Journeys paper. She pulled up a camping chair, whipped open her laptop, and frantically looked up whatever religious facts I needed. Can you say LIFE SAVER? We're going to be the most amazing roomies next semester :D

Managed to figure out some sort of ending by 10:30. Hopped in the shower while Andrea proof-read and printed and we made it to our 10:50 class with 3 minutes to spare. Oh, and we're twins today. lol

Seminar got out half an hour early, so we went to an early lunch (since I hadn't eaten breakfast!) and then spent the next hour enjoying the sunshine!!! Specifically enjoying the sunshine on a wall. Oh, and I wore my Lady GaGa sunglasses just because that's the kind of mood I'm in today. It was a lovely afternoon of shenanigans with my favorite inhabitants of Ithaca College <3>

As I sit, I am waiting EVER SO patiently to get my mass media exam back. Professor Bohn is "disappointed" in these results.
12 A's
20 B's
32 C's
25 D's
18 F's

Becca and Meaghan have on either side of me look theirs over.... and I am sure to be dead last. No, he's not going in alpha order... this is just my luck.

"Sold job, Casey, solid job." I thought that was a good sign? C+ Bleh. Not a solid job if you're an honor student.

Well, at least I have the latest episode of Modern Family to look forward to when I get out of work. Going home in 24 hours!! The countdown begins...

Monday, March 8, 2010

How can I describe last weekend...


Friday evening VoiceStream performed "Battlefield" on WICB and then filmed (by people from ...SU?) doing our entire Lady GaGa medley. AWESOME!
Then off to the Ithaca Mall where I obtained 4 shirts, a pair of adorable flats, a super blingin' necklace AND my GaGa accessory sunglasses for a total of $64. Totally raped that mall.
The night melted into absolute mayhem, ending in a total Colonist victory over the British -- you can thank me for your independence Saturday morning.

Saturday night was the VOICESTREAM BLOCK 3 CONCERT!!! Whoooooo!!!! It was completely awesome, OBviously. Videos should be up on YouTube soon, so check 'em out!
That night was... well... check the pics on facebook ;)

Sunday afternoon I awoke in time to accompany Andrea for a lunch with her aunt and uncle. She warned me of their oddness... of which I detected little. She should meet MY relatives! haha

OHHH BTW: Forgot to mention this one... found out Friday that certain flirtatious gentleman has a long-distance girlfriend but is "known to cheat". Question: what is it about me that seems to scream "Hey! Have an affair with me!!" Thank you so very much, sir.

So here I sit, in the lovely living-room-type area of the business school, waiting for my financial accounting class to start. BLEH. Afterwards I plan on heading to the tutoring center for a good 2 hours. Yeah, turns out accounting is not one of my strengths.

The point is I look pretty awesome today in my neon yellow/zebra striped V-neck.
Here's to getting all my shit done in time!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's Always Wednesday

As I sit here drinking milk directly from the bottle in my tie-die T-shirt, plaid pajama pants, and mismatched socks, I can't help but label today as a WIN. Nope, I'm not being sarcastic. I mean, maybe there will never be english muffins in the dining hall ever again, and maybe I'll fail my PMVD quiz at 4:00, and maybe we didn't win $100 (or any other numerical amount) last night at Race of Cakes, but I'm feeling really good about life at this moment! Maybe it's the fact that this milk contains no artificial growth hormones, or that there is a frosting-covered monkey head sitting on my dresser. However you wanna look at it, Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010 is smiling upon me :)

I'm about to take a MUCH NEEDED snooze (since I've been up since before 7:00 in order to work off some of that cookie cake guilt) and then watch an episode of Firefly with the girls before my 4:00 class. Then it's GO time. 5:15 dinner, jazz band until 8, and VoiceStream until 11.

Yep, it's Wednesday again.
And it probably will be tomorrow too.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bored on a Tuesday Afternoon...

Soooo the main point of this post is so that there is something other than sex pictures on the top of my page. People should have to at least scroll down for that stuff, right? lol

Here's an Asian doing the awkward turtle :)

I am tabling again today and nothing incredible has happened. I did get to eat frozen yogurt tho :) AND I studied for my Mass Media test that I have in about... 15 minutes. Win and Win.


Monday, March 1, 2010

Sex and Tacos

Actually turned out to be Sex and BURRITOS... was a huge success! Ate delicious Moe's cuisine and learned about many more contraceptive methods than I thought existed. Examples:

The Smodnoc: A Smodnoc fits comfortably over the mouth area of the face and the textural tongue further increases stimulation during oral sex.

The Female Version is like a flavored sheet of latex to lay over the vulva and then perform safe oral sex.

Another little-known fact: Female condoms provide clitoral stimulation. Hmm.... good thing I got one of those in my Spring Break Goodie Bag! LOL

So then I volunteered to be the demonstrator of the proper way to put on a condom. Video/Pics will be up here soon. Long story short, I was a champ and got a T-shirt that says: "JUST WEAR IT."

Free condoms, etc. all around and then the girls and I went downstairs to fill a condom with water to see how big it would get. Results: Pretty damn HUGE. Video will follow asap. ;)

'Twas an epic night. Tomorrow's big event:
$100 dollars, you're as good as ours. COSTCO HERE WE COME!!!

Night fools <3

My New Catchphrase ;)

And so it begins...

Alright. Today I joined the club. As I sat a few feet from the smoothie place in campus center, tabling to promote our up-coming VOICESTREAM CONCERT, on my laptop with nothing to do, I decided to make a blog! Soooo that's how we got here.

Epic epicness occurred a few moments later. On the off-chance that certain involved parties read this post, I won't mention any names, but it turns out that ignoring a guy actually works--he WILL eventually decide to approach and flirt! So now what? I have a friend assigned to finding out his relationship status (although, if he HAS girlfriend right now, shame on him for his hard-core flirting with me today). I'm hesitant to respond too quickly though, since ignoring him is what got me this far. Stupid boys! And people think that girls have issues!

I got a C+ on my Financial Accounting exam. Fabulous. A B+ overall in that class. Best I can ask for? I think so.

It's laundry day! "Laundry day-see you there-under things-tumbling..." <3 So I had to remove somebody's damp clothes from the washer. Survival of the fittest. I feel no remorse.

So tonight the girls and I are attending a floor program entitled "Sex and Tacos". Should be pretty fabulous as long as the creepy, Never-Going-to-have-Sex residents don't show up. I definitely do not want to associate their faces with sex. Or tacos for that matter.

My wash is almost ready to go in the dryer, so I suppose there will have to be more posting later!

Peace out Girl Scouts <3

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