Monday, March 1, 2010

And so it begins...

Alright. Today I joined the club. As I sat a few feet from the smoothie place in campus center, tabling to promote our up-coming VOICESTREAM CONCERT, on my laptop with nothing to do, I decided to make a blog! Soooo that's how we got here.

Epic epicness occurred a few moments later. On the off-chance that certain involved parties read this post, I won't mention any names, but it turns out that ignoring a guy actually works--he WILL eventually decide to approach and flirt! So now what? I have a friend assigned to finding out his relationship status (although, if he HAS girlfriend right now, shame on him for his hard-core flirting with me today). I'm hesitant to respond too quickly though, since ignoring him is what got me this far. Stupid boys! And people think that girls have issues!

I got a C+ on my Financial Accounting exam. Fabulous. A B+ overall in that class. Best I can ask for? I think so.

It's laundry day! "Laundry day-see you there-under things-tumbling..." <3 So I had to remove somebody's damp clothes from the washer. Survival of the fittest. I feel no remorse.

So tonight the girls and I are attending a floor program entitled "Sex and Tacos". Should be pretty fabulous as long as the creepy, Never-Going-to-have-Sex residents don't show up. I definitely do not want to associate their faces with sex. Or tacos for that matter.

My wash is almost ready to go in the dryer, so I suppose there will have to be more posting later!

Peace out Girl Scouts <3

1 comment:

  1. whoa that was the title of my first post too! get out of my brain casey!!



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